
What is RaiseRight?

RaiseRight is a program which allows families to earn individual student funds through gift card purchases. All FHS instrumental music families are eligible, including incoming 8th graders. Orders are due around the 15th of every month, and e-cards or reloads can be ordered at any time.

https://www.raiseright.com/brands is the online ordering system that FHS Music Patrons uses to gather your script orders. Order Scrip on-line from hundreds of retailers! Use “PrestoPay” or credit cards to pay for orders (we do not take checks!) and to take advantage of e-card and reload options too!

Use RaiseRight cards for everyday purchases (like gas, groceries, dining & entertainment), or for special purchases like travel and home improvement projects. You get to spend the entire amount of your gift card, and you earn a rebate back to your own account! The amount of the rebate depends on the retailer but can range from 2% to 20%!

Rebates are deposited directly into your student’s FHS Music Patrons fundraising account and can be used towards private lessons, music trips, marching band fees, or any music related expense!

Who Can Use RaiseRight & How Do I Register?

Any FHS music family can participate in RaiseRight.

You must create an account at https://www.raiseright.com/enroll?enrollCode=D498C6B62594 using enrollment code D498C6B62594 . You must also sign up for the PrestoPay or Credit Card payment options (we do not take checks). Remember to enter the name of your student so we can add your earnings to your student’s fundraising account!

Monthly RaiseRight orders are shipped directly to the coordinator, Debbie Stanek (Music Patrons pays the shipping costs). Orders will be available for pick up from the coordinator (near 10 mile and Orchard Lake) about a week after the monthly due date. E-cards and reloads will be delivered in minutes to your email.

If you have any questions, contact RaiseRight Coordinator

Debbie Stanek at stanek4@sbcglobal.net or 248-321-0377.